Our Mission

Mental Health in Asian Communities

Mental health is still a sensitive topic in many Asian countries, where many have not accepted the concept of mental illnesses.One key barrier is the social stigma - it is sometimes believed that declaring mental illnesses bring shame to the individual and the family. If not supported by a positive perspective and effective consultation, the minor stigma of self-identity that Asian Canadians face growing in a bicultural environment would develop into a mental health concern.

According to a study on the ethnic differences in mental health status and service utilization, among those self-reporting fair or poor mental health, only 19.8% in the Chinese (Eastern Asian) group sought help, comparing to 50.8% in the white group. Nevertheless, Asian who self-identify as LGBTQ experience a higher level of stigma as they are more likely to face social rejection.

One’s self-identity and psychological development evolve over time and are shaped by personal experiences. Growing up in a Western country, whose values might be different from the culture of their ethnic background, could lead to conflicts in identity and affect their mental wellness. 



Teach and educate the East Asian community about the concept of self-identity and the importance of emotional wellness. We are here to collect and then provide educational resources for our community in order to reduce the existing social stigma of mental wellness. We deliver our educational contents by webinars and in person events.



Engage youth in the East Asian community in our peer-empowered activities in a friendly and stress-free setting. Encourage our peers to share their unique personal experience and connect with each other.



Aid East Asian peers who are currently undergoing hardships and life transitions. We provide assistance by having academic consulting sessions, referring individuals to appropriate therapy providers, etc.